Thursday, October 22, 2009

Life,Love & Death Part-II

I am not a regular blogger,i write blogs when something affects me deep inside my heart....

I think now i have a reason to write a blog....

It is not everday that we go to an orphanage home....

I was standing there waiting for the manager or some responsible person to come....
The place was filled with beautiful and cute little kids....playing happily...It was so warming to see them...

I saw a old lady having a 3-4months old baby in her hands....

I was a bit curious about how that baby came there....I asked that old lady....

"The manager of this home got a call around 10 in de night....telling that a baby is lying in the station platform...can you come and take it to your home....

The baby was actually born on de chrompet platform and the parents left the baby there itself....

the manager of the home a 60-70 year old lady came there and took the baby to the nearest hospital and took care of it, still taking care of it......."

My eyes were wet when the old lady stopped talking.. Then she continued telling that...every kid living here has a story like this....The house had kids from different states and in fact a kid was from nepal....

After few minutes the manager came out with a very warming smile on her face...She welcomed us and was talking about those kids....She has lot of medical complaints and her children left her like an orphan when she became old....But she did not give up...she took people like her who needed love and protection.....She learnt
that seeking love will not get it...only givin love to others vil get you love...So she dedicated her life for them....
I felt so blessed to meet her.....

People like her are those who balance the filthy and nasty bad things done by a lot of people....

She found unity and love in diversity...People like us who have got everything are finding diversities in the unity we have.....

Doing service to the society doesn't mean we have to start a home and dedicate our life for it like her..Do your bit of help to people who dedicate their life like this person....That is more than enough.....

Be happy----Make Others Happy----


About Me

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Chennai, T.Nadu, India
AS MUCH AS I CAN!! i wanna write as much as i can.. i wanna read as much as i can.. i wanna find truth of the nature as much as i can.. i wanna find more deeper love as much as i can.. i wanna live as much as i can.. i wanna die in the sense of satisfaction as much as i can... :) HAPPY LIVING