Thursday, January 22, 2009


2009 December 31st-6.00 a.m.
The sky is still dark. The road is not visible yet. I was standing in the bus stop waiting for my friend in that cold December morning. Today is the day my best friend is going to get married. But will he welcome me when I go there?
2009 December 31st-8.00a.m.
I know this drive is going to be a very long one. Anil was very quietly driving the car. I broke the silence by asking his gift for the marriage. He stared at me and told “I am coming for his marriage since you forced”. Same adamant character. People’s basic character never changes.
The diary in my hand was very cold. I kept it in the car dashboard. Anil took a notice at it and asked me what is it. I told with a little bit hesitant that it was Shankar’s diary. He was surprised to see that. I can still remember the day when he vacated my room he left the diary in my bureau.

2009 December 31st-10.00a.m.
We were standing in the tea shop. The milestone read it was 800km to Bangalore. It implies 14 more hours of journey. The sun was shining very bright. We sat back into the car. Anil asked me to open the diary and read. I told I cannot do that. He told there is nothing happened in his life that we were not aware of. I did not accept it. But what he told was right. It is 1998 diary. The year when we three rakesh, anil and Shankar became friends. The year that changed my life totally. The year where I saw all colors in my life including darkness.

2009 December 31st-11.45a.m.
I opened the diary after so many thoughts flashing in my mind like a thunderbolt.

The first line in the diary was:

“In this journey called life!!!!”

The words in the diary took me to January 1st 1998
to be contd....


Unknown said...

Hey Gugan,

simply superb!!!!!!!
i am waiting for ur next articale which will be a continuation of the story that u have started :)

Go ahead, brother. Please continue the story :)

Unknown said...

nice article buddy...

keep it moving... a bad story reader like me is even tempted to continue reading it... nice start...

About Me

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Chennai, T.Nadu, India
AS MUCH AS I CAN!! i wanna write as much as i can.. i wanna read as much as i can.. i wanna find truth of the nature as much as i can.. i wanna find more deeper love as much as i can.. i wanna live as much as i can.. i wanna die in the sense of satisfaction as much as i can... :) HAPPY LIVING