Tuesday, January 27, 2009


It’s been two months since I joined mindtree. The fun, laughter and the excitement has not drained even a single percent. Everyday is exciting with anil. He has shown me a different dimension of my life!!
These were first few lines written in the diary…
I browsed the whole diary. Few pages that hit my heart very hard,

January 12th 1998,
We went to the theme park together with anil’s friends. He introduced all his friends to me that day. Few to remember well are Rakesh, Kavitha , and Sunil. I was messaging to Kavitha that whole evening and night. She looks like a reserved girl. But she is very supportive.
Rakesh- the most weird guy I have met in my life. He was cheated by an auto wala. He was dropped at KR market instead of Majestic and he believed it!!!! What an introduction .i don think there is to much to talk about this guy as of now. I didn’t know much about Sunil. The whole day i had an awesome experience.
Good night god!!!

January 25th 1998,
Today rakesh introduced me to his special friend. Actually she is from my college. But have never been nor tried to be a friend of her. Her name is devi. Very quiet girl.
Today I met Kavitha after that trip.We were having a walk outside coffee day.
Evening around 6.30 P.M I got a call from Devi. Was speaking to her for a long time. She was talking about our college days. It was nice to remember our past at times. it makes us young.
Tomorrow I am gonna take Kavitha out for lunch. I dono how she is going to react. Lets hope for the best.
Everyday some or the other fight with the colleagues coz of anil. But it is very interesting. To fight with people when you know you are right.
Good night god!!!!
January 26th 1998,
I had all my plans set. Booked two seats in the most costliest and the most beautiful restaurant in the town. Got a bike from friends. Got my dress ironed for the first time in my life. I called her by 12.30A.M in the morning and told her about my plan. She was very excited to hear that. I told her to wear a pink dress( FYI.. pink is my favorite color). I did not get sleep yesterday night. I was thinking (dreaming actually) about every second of that day.
Got up very early in the morning. First day to see the sunrise. Dressed well as if am going to get married today.
Went to class room for a change. The whole class was very silent. Everyone was looking tensed. The nerd groups were memorizing something like kids learning 2nd table. I went and sat in my place. The person sitting next to me told it was a surprise test. Surprise test!!!!! Today!!!!!!!!!
The whole sky was falling on my head. I felt a deep silence around me. Thousands of thoughts were crossing my head. How will I tell this to Kavitha. Why this happens only to me in this whole world.
I gasped some air to get back my breath. I took my phone and called her told what happened. Was waiting to get blasted by her completely. But she was not at all talking about the lunch plan. She was more worried about my preparation for the exam. I was totally taken aback by her approach. By her care and her maturity.Oh god!!!
What she has done to me???
I am talking about a girl so much in my life for the first time.
Good night god!!!!
January 31st 1998,
If I look back this month. It’s been a month of friendship. I got a lot of new friends. Had nice time with them. But Kavitha. I missed the lunch with her this month coz of that stupid surprise test I had. I will surely take her out this February.
Day after tomorrow rakesh and anil are leaving to Chennai. Today rakesh told me to take care of his girl friend. That sounded very different to me. It was looking as if he doubts his own girlfriend. I was not able to accept this.
Good night god!!!
January – month of friendship

2009 December 31st-12.30P.M.(Present)
I was completely with those words in the diary. It was looking as if he doubts his own girlfriend ….Is that the truth?
my mind went back to that place. where i was talking to Devi in front of anil at coffee day.............
To be Contd!!!!!

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About Me

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Chennai, T.Nadu, India
AS MUCH AS I CAN!! i wanna write as much as i can.. i wanna read as much as i can.. i wanna find truth of the nature as much as i can.. i wanna find more deeper love as much as i can.. i wanna live as much as i can.. i wanna die in the sense of satisfaction as much as i can... :) HAPPY LIVING