Sunday, June 7, 2009

Life,Love & Death Part-I

Hi All :)

This is my first try on the blog...

This particular blog is all about real life experiances of various people about Life , Love & Death

Death the only differentiation between the real brave people and the fake ones...

Death the only thing that no one wants to happen in their life..Eventhough everyone knows it is going to come..still no one beleives that they will die...

I was told that she tied 10 knots around her neck....

How can a 89 year old lady can tie so many knots around her neck...From where she got the strength?

The place was filled with the poeple moaning..

Still no one was interested to know what has happened there...

Everyone in the house confirmed it was a Suicide!!!

But all of them had their own version of the story;

some told she was sleeping peacefully till that day morning 6:00AM...

and some told that she went out to the river in my village by morning 5:00AM...

When i went to the scene..i requested the local people to log a complain in the police station and get the post-mortem report...

For which i got nice scoldings from the people that am asking to cut the body which is a Sin!!!!!

I forced them to todo that...but it was a failure...

After losing all my hope i came and sat in a corner of the house..

There were 2 people sitting there and crying...i wanted to know who are they and why are they sitting alone..

i went near them and asked..they told they are sisters of that old lady...

and they are sitting alone because they know their is something fishy about the death and they are doubting some people their in that group...

I asked them why they did not log a complain...they gave 2 reasons:

There is no police station in that village and they are scared about the death...

I came back dis heartened from that place...

Is a person's life has become so cheap in this world...I can still remember people telling that it was better that old women died..

How can death be a better option for anyone in their life..when we don't know what is going to happen after it..

Some people tell this earth, the place where we are living Heaven..and some tell it as Hell!!!

Death is the one stage in life that has not been deciphered by anyone yet...

How would one feel right at the moment when he/she is going to die...

how would one feel when they know their journey on this earth is going to end....

how would one feel about Life and Death....when they're going to die..

To Be Contd...

Next topic is about-Life

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About Me

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Chennai, T.Nadu, India
AS MUCH AS I CAN!! i wanna write as much as i can.. i wanna read as much as i can.. i wanna find truth of the nature as much as i can.. i wanna find more deeper love as much as i can.. i wanna live as much as i can.. i wanna die in the sense of satisfaction as much as i can... :) HAPPY LIVING